CanopySpeak is a 2-in-1, multilingual Clinical Communication Support Tool.
Learning Mode helps medical staff advance towards becoming fluent in speaking phrases they frequently use in the language(s) they need the most. Clinical Mode features an audio phrasebook that helps providers practice and apply what they’ve learned to provide more compassionate, trusted care directly to patients. You can read more about the two modes here.
To toggle between Clinical and Learning Mode, navigate to the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the app home screen.

In Clinical Mode, you can browse and reference an extensive library of medical phrases. Where applicable, the app offers patient-response support in the form of tappable yes/no answers and pain scales. When viewing a phrase, click Add to add it to your Favorites list.

In Learning Mode, browse through the available playlists which are organized by specialty. Swipe left to add a playlist to your Favorites. Tap to view subcategories and the phrases they contain. In “My Playlists,” you can create your own playlists full of whatever phrases you want to practice most.

Once you've navigated to a playlist in Learning Mode, you will work through 5 activities to master new phrases in your target language. A quick Initial Assessment will give you an idea of how well you already know this playlist. Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Practice as much as you want with Flashcards. Long phrases are broken down into shorter chunks for ease of learning. Chunks are back-translated to literal English to account for word order differences and help you understand the underlying meaning; tap the flashcard anytime to change the displayed language. Tap the person icon at the bottom of the screen to play back the card. Tap “Keep Reviewing” to add the card to your Learning List.

Next is Multiple Choice. Sometimes multiple answers are possible. Choose the best one for the given context.

Now try the Countdown activity. Work against the clock to test your ability to build the full phrase. Tap and hold on a chunk, then drag it to the box.

When you feel you've got a good grasp of the playlist, click Speaking Practice to test if you're ready to use the phrase in real life. Using English as a reference, translate the phrase in your head and record yourself in your target language. Then play the native speaker audio to compare.

Use the AI Immersion Mode (Beta) within Speaking Practice to take the role of a provider in an emergency room setting. The AI agent takes the role of a patient coming in with a set of symptoms. Your goal is to practice your target language and determine a course of action to take with your patient towards a diagnosis.

If you have questions about how to use CanopySpeak that are not addressed here, please contact us.