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Enriching and Supporting Learner's Success

CanopyLearn is the #1 medical Spanish course in the US and, with 40 hours of instructional content spread over three target proficiency levels and 36 lessons, the most comprehensive self-paced e-learning platform of its kind. The engaging and bite-sized modules are crafted specifically for clinicians and staff and employ a proven learning-by-speaking methodology. With role-play exercises, a telenovela series, and more, users experience multiple learning modalities that makes acquiring foreign-language fluency more engaging, effective and rewarding.




   Methodologically sound: An NIH-funded, self-paced e-learning course where your students can experience multiple learning modalities that makes acquiring foreign-language fluency more engaging, effective and rewarding.

   A Medical Spanish course that works for your students: CanopyLearn not only provides students ultimate schedule flexibility, it also delivers a highly engaging, experiential learning program focused on practicing speaking with real clinician-patient scenarios so that they’re ready to help LEP patients right away. Students may also earn CE units for participation.

   Save you time, money, and stress (while delivering better training): CanopyLearn offers the most robust medical Spanish curriculum, tailored for healthcare professionals based on everyday clinical encounters. Students can improve their medical Spanish skills in 40 hours.

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How Canopy is Eliminating the Language Barrier in Healthcare

Canopy offers the only medical-specific framework for assessing and tracking a student's language-learning journey.
The Canopy Scale for Bilingual Proficiency in Healthcare Communication, developed by adapting the internationally recognized Common European Framework for Reference (CEFR) to the medical context based on a needs assessment and dozens of interviews with healthcare professionals, is the only medical-specific language proficiency scale in existence. 
Canopy also offers an Inventory of Essential Speaking and Listening Skills for Bilingual Healthcare Communication and a set of "can-do" statements that lets anyone track their proficiency progress on each skill.
CanopyLearn was designed to support students in improving the medical-specific proficiency related to each skill. 

Ready to See How CanopyLearn Can Help Your Team?