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Are You a Medical Student or Healthcare Professional Interested in Getting CanopyLearn Medical Spanish for FREE?

Right now you can get 12 months of CanopyLearn medical Spanish course for FREE ($595+ value) by referring our course to your team or organization. 

Canopy Advocacy Program

Canopy has become what it is today with the support of numerous advocates who have introduced our #1-selling, award-winning medical Spanish courses into their schools or hospitals.
We have a proven track record of advocacy, so we created an official incentive program for your efforts to connect us with the decision makers at your schools or employers.

All you have to do is send an email to the decision makers at your school or employer, and we will take care of the rest.

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Simply draft an email and if we schedule an appointment with your institutional leaders, you'll receive 15% OFF CanopyLearn medical Spanish course.

Receive 100% OFF your course ($595 value) if your institution locks a group license or partnership with Canopy.

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Who Can Participate?

 Any individual med students, doctors, nurses, healthcare staff, etc. who would like to introduce Canopy Medical Spanish Courses into their institutions and empower their peers to advance their medical Spanish proficiency with Canopy can participate.

Who Can I Email?

 You can reach out to medical Spanish professors, directors of curriculum, directors of student services, directors of clinical education, chief medical officers, chief nursing officers, nurse managers, CEOs, and more.

Why Should I Advocate?

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1. Receive instant discounts and up to 100% full reimbursement on our award-winning medical Spanish course.

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2. Receive early access to Canopy’s new releases of products and services

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3. Become a true advocate for medical Spanish and language access for limited English proficiency (LEP) patients

Bring Canopy Medical Spanish to Your Institution Today.

CanopyLearn - The #1 Medical Spanish Course in the U.S.

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CanopyLearn is our #1 awarded medical Spanish e-Learning platform, specialized for healthcare professionals.

 Over 40+ medical specialties broken down into bite-sized modules and the most flexible e-learning platform of its kind -- all so you can get credentialed and improve your care while learning on YOUR time.

 Proven learning-by-speaking methodology includes role-play exercises, a telenovela series, and more so that users experience multiple learning modalities that make acquiring fluency more engaging, effective and rewarding.


Help Us Eliminate the Language Barrier in Healthcare.